Friday, February 5, 2010

*SPOTLIGHT* A certain inspiring blog which deserves a good look...

I believe it's time to turn our attention to this, which I believe it's important enough to be in the blog's Spotlight.
Some time ago, I came across a certain blog, made by a certain friend of mine... This friend... He usually showed up in school with some stuff he had written... Every single time he showed me those poems, I would become in awe before such words. This person, after some time, decided to publish some of these said writings. He is now the proud owner of a blog. It's written in Portuguese! He decided to keep his works written in his mother toungue, which I completely agree! Well then, be sure to pay a visit to this blog. The link has also been added to my list of recommended blogs, for easier access.

Anyway, here's the link for you: 

Well, then this is GX, signing off for the time being. See you later.
