Monday, February 1, 2010

Introducing: "GX's ALBUM REVIEWS!" / New Blog for you to check out!

(Yeah that figures...)

I got this idea from a friend of mine. xD
Anyways, "what's this whole thing about 'album reviews', GX?", you would ask me.
Well then, my answer is this, it's pretty simple:
I will give a comprehensive opinion on the highs and lows, favourite songs, least favourite, what could be improved, etc. To sum it up, what a review should be!
Simple, huh? Thought so too ^^ My reviews will start showing up in the next post. Plus, I will edit some of the older posts and add my reviews.

Moving to the other subject, a friend of mine is creating a new blog to talk about pretty much everything ^^
It's really awesome! Oh, and don't forget to comment too!

That's all for today! I'll be adding reviews to the albums and you'll be adding comments on my friend's blog. Fair deal, eh? See ya!
